
E-Ink Concept New Product: 0│1 Foldable Dual-Screen Smartphone──A Combination of Practical and Minimalism

In recent years, the popularity of smartphones has changed people's lifestyles, but it has also brought digital disruption and dependence. To solve this problem, designer Andrea Mangone launched a foldable smartphone called 0│1phone, which combines minimalism and clock mode, allowing users to completely get rid of digital distractions and enjoy a purer life.

One of the biggest features of 0│1phone is its foldable design. The phone easily folds away so you can take it with you wherever you go. When you need to use the mobile phone, just unfold it, and there will be a display screen with a resolution of 1080×2640, and you can enjoy the convenient functions of the smart phone. When you want to go minimalist, just turn off the screen and the e-ink display on the outside of the phone will become the main screen, and it will automatically go into clock mode, just like a bedside alarm clock. In this mode, the phone will only display important calls, event reminders, and clock functions, without any distracting notifications to keep you from getting stuck in pointless scrolling.

In addition to minimalism and clock patterns, 0│1phone also pays attention to design. The exterior of the phone uses a variety of materials and finishes, with the body made of aluminum and a biopolymer coating that gives the phone a warm and natural feel. The back panel features rubberized faux leather for a secure grip, while the SIM card tray is woven with colorful nylon labels for visual contrast.

The design concept of 0│1phone is to enable users to better control their digital life and achieve digital withdrawal. It allows you to enjoy the convenience of your smartphone when you need it and transform it into a pure clock or desk ornament when you don't.


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