
Take you 5 minutes to understand the key points of E Ink Technology's 2023 Q2 financial statement!

E Ink Technology announced the financial statement for the second quarter of 2023 today (August 16). Normal people will not read the entire document. This time, I will let the store owner collect the key information and make a few points for everyone. analyze:

one. Of course, E Ink Technology continues to make profits, and its operations are quite stable. In the second quarter of 2023, the single-quarter consolidated revenue (that is, the parent company and its subsidiaries) was NT$7.236 billion, and the net profit attributable to the parent company was NT$2.421 billion; the consolidated revenue in the first half of 2023 was NT$14.466 billion, An increase of 8% over the same period last year; operating profit was NT$3.843 billion, an increase of 13% over the same period last year. In the first half of 2023, the consolidated revenue will reach a new high in the same period in the past 12 years, and both operating profit and net profit will hit new highs over the years.

two. Why does Yuantai Technology have such outstanding performance? In fact, in the e-paper market, e-readers (here refers to pure reading devices) did not perform well in the first half of the year due to insufficient consumption in the general environment. However, due to the increasing popularity of e-paper shelf labels (such as earlier It has been reported that the US retail giant Wal-Mart alone needs tens of millions of e-paper shelf labels), in addition, e-paper notebooks (it is estimated that Kaleido 3 panels also account for a lot of shares) and e-paper kanban applications (Sharp will soon launch ePoster) Steady growth also enables Yuantai Technology to continue to expand this market steadily and profit from it.

3. In the face of a steadily developing market, what Yuantai Technology needs to do is, of course, produce enough e-paper in a stable manner according to the needs and the estimated future needs. In the first half of this year, Yuantai Technology has begun to expand the production line and plans to start the new Guanyin factory in Taoyuan to increase production capacity; in this report, it is explained that the Hsinchu factory office building is currently under construction, and the new factory office is expected to be completed in the first half of 2024 enabled. Looking forward to the new color phones from different manufacturers in the future, there will be no more shortages like the Aragonite Tab Ultra C in the past three months.

Four. In fact, every report and official news released by Yuantai Technology will devote a lot of space to environmental protection. This time it is mainly about the use of renewable energy and the practice of promoting net-zero carbon reduction. However, it is estimated that the public will not pay too much attention to these aspects. However, as a company with a sense of social responsibility, Yuantai Technology actually attaches great importance to this aspect (establishing a good image, and it is also very compatible with the E-Ink product). Renewable energy (RE100) target, the global operation and sales base has achieved the use of 21% renewable energy by 2022, exceeding the original expectation of 10%.

five. Finally, I would like to talk to you about some interesting data in the report. Yuantai Technology said that based on the calculation of 3-inch electronic paper labels, in the past seven years, about 600 million electronic paper labels have been installed worldwide! Quite staggering, but the number should rise significantly in the next few years.

six. The compilation of reports this time has come to an end, see you next time!

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