E-Ink新聞:Kindle Unlimited服務自2014年推出以來,首次調漲價格

E-Ink news: Kindle Unlimited service raises price for first time since 2014

Since its launch in 2014, Amazon's e-book, audiobook and comic subscription service "Kindle Unlimited" has offered unlimited reading for $9.99 a month. However, Amazon recently announced that it will increase the price of Kindle Unlimited to $11.99 per month (from £7.99 per month in the UK to £9.49) starting May 11, 2023. The price has been raised for the first time since.

This move has caused dissatisfaction and concern among many users. However, Amazon is also offering a buffer: Users can lock in the original $9.99 price by purchasing a six-month or 12-month subscription plan until July 31, 2023. This means that users can enjoy more affordable prices in the coming months.

It is worth noting that if the user has set up the monthly automatic renewal function, the new price will be charged at the next deduction. So, if you want to keep paying the old price, you can buy a 6-month or 12-month subscription plan before July 31st.

The Kindle Unlimited subscription service offers more than 4 million books, audiobooks and comics, including many bestsellers and classics, but please note that there are still some major publishers who are not participating in the program and whose titles are not in the supply list within.

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