e讀新聞:香港小說家董啟章推出小說《天工開物 · 栩栩如真》限量NFT版本

e-reading news: Hong Kong novelist Dong Kai Cheung launched a limited NFT version of the novel "Heavenly Creation·Lifelike"

Hong Kong novelist Dong Kai Cheung launched the NFT book "Tiangong Kaiwu·Lifelike" on April 23, 2023. This is his first NFT publishing experiment. This book is a series of 14 objects and stories of three generations, combining personal growth and family changes, interspersed with Hong Kong history. This NFT publishing experiment was published by the physical bookstore "Enclave" in Taipei. It adopted a distribution model, allowing bookstores, book reviewers or KOLs to participate, to obtain exclusive links, and to sell a book for 30%, while the author directly received 20% of the royalties. This model avoids the inventory problem and allows more people to participate. In addition to the NFT picture of the art cover work drawn by the cartoonist Liu Guangcheng , readers also have the EPUB and PDF e-book files of "Tiangong Kaiwu·Lifelike" , and Dong Kai Cheung added a new chapter to this old work "Fourteenth Object".

Dong Kai Cheung's pioneering work this time is to republish the out-of-print book 18 years ago, and use NFT technology to turn the book cover into an NFT, so that readers can own the NFT cover to prove that they own the book. This mode can avoid the problem of piracy, and also allows readers to have more freedom. They can read on any tablet and even forward it to friends.

This NFT publishing experiment also caused a lot of discussion. Many people think that this is an experiment that will explore the future development direction of the publishing industry, and also reflects the publishing industry's attention to NFT technology. NFT technology can protect copyrights and endow works with value, allowing works to be traded and collected in the digital world. This also allows the publishing industry to diversify and open up new business opportunities.

Dong Kai Cheung's "Heavenly Creation·Lifelike" NFT book will be released in two versions: limited print special collection edition and digital collection edition. The limited print special collection edition will be limited to 100 copies, each priced at NT$3000 or USD$99.9 (regular price USD$125), and the digital collector's edition is limited to 900 copies, each priced at NT$900 or USD$29.9 (regular price USD$37.5). The early bird offer will end before 23:59 on May 12th. The limited edition and digital collector's edition are issued with NFT technology and come with a dynamic book cover. Each book has a unique NFT cover. Readers can own this unique digital asset and prove that they own the book.

This NFT publishing experiment also allows us to think about the future development direction of the publishing industry, and expects more writers and publishers to join this field and create a more diversified publishing model.

If you are interested in owning a unique "Tiangong Kaiwu·Lifelike" NFT , you can order online through the link of the following units, and the unit can directly get 30% of the share:

【Digital Collector's Edition + Limited Edition Special Collection】
enclave publishing
Dong Fu Kee (Dong Kai Cheung)
——. ——. ——. ——.
【Digital Collector's Edition】
Liker Land Hanamiyama Bookstore
Preface Study Room Leaving Book House Hong Kong Museum of Literature
Islander Creativity 23 Study Room Hunter Bookstore
Daisy@LikeCoin Edmond Yu Willis Ho
Liu Guangcheng@页设计张洁平@冰地Publishing
High reconstruction @ckxpress Luo Yijun Deng Xiaohua
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