
e-Reading News: Do you know the book buying and reading habits of Taiwanese? Big data tells you!

The big data company just released the "2023 Taiwan People's Reading Behavior and Physical Bookstores" industry insight report on May 29, analyzing the book buying and reading habits of Taiwanese.

According to the report, in the past year, at least 54% of people regardless of age have bought books in physical bookstores. In addition, the annual budget for buying books of tens of thousands of Taiwan dollars accounts for about 17.9%, which is the main buyer group in the current book market. It is roughly estimated that the potential consumption power of buying books can reach 40 billion Taiwan dollars.

The report also pointed out that the higher the monthly budget for buying books, the higher the possibility of buying e-books. For example, 75.3% of the respondents who choose to buy books with a monthly budget of TWD 1,001-3,000 will consider buying e-books in the future. This shows that although physical bookstores are still the first choice for people to buy books, with the advancement of technology, e-books are gradually becoming popular among people.

In the past year, more than 80% of the respondents have purchased books, 56.2% of them have purchased books in physical bookstores; 48.8% have purchased books online (including physical books and e-books). It reflects that Taiwanese still prefer to buy books in physical bookstores.

However, the survey also showed a trend toward fragmentation of reading habits. Nearly 80% of people read less than 1 hour a day on average, and more than 20% of people do not read books every week. Technology has changed the reading habits of most people. Coupled with the busy work and life, fewer and fewer people are able to calm down and read books. In addition, online book shopping has gradually become one of the choices of the public, among which travel and leisure books account for the highest proportion.

In this regard, the book industry has also begun to actively expand online sales channels and provide more ways to purchase books to meet the needs of consumers. At the same time, many physical bookstores have begun to transform, providing more reading experience and cultural activities to attract more people to bookstores.

Overall, although the reading habits of Taiwanese people are fragmented, the demand and purchasing power for books are still quite strong.

"Internet Thermometer Poll Center" conducted a survey on Taiwan people's reading behavior and physical bookstores from April 24 to May 1, 2023. This industry report is based on the survey. The survey conducted an online questionnaire survey on Internet users aged 18 and above. The sampling method was simple random sampling, and multiple weighting was carried out according to gender, age, education level and place of residence to increase the representativeness of the sample and approach the whole characteristics of the population. The number of effective samples is 1,626, and at the 95% confidence level, the sampling error is not more than ±2.44%.

If readers are interested in reading the entire report, they can apply to "DailyViews Network Thermometer" to download the full version .

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