e讀新聞:Keystone Study Bible 登場,專為電子墨水與平板設計的KJV聖經

e-reading news: Keystone Study Bible is launched, a KJV Bible specially designed for electronic ink and tablets

Charted Path Design Forge has officially launched an innovative product tailored for the digital age - Keystone Study Bible. This new digital interactive Bible is designed for e-ink screens and LCD tablet devices, and is suitable for devices such as Kindle Scribe, reMarkable, Boox and iPads. It aims to combine the King James Version (KJV) Bible with modern technology to bring unprecedented reading and learning experience.

A modern interpretation of a traditional text

The Keystone Study Bible continues the strong tradition of the KJV Bible and incorporates interactive tools, multimedia features, and cultural and historical context. The digital version contains more than 420,000 hyperlinks , allowing readers to seamlessly switch between scriptures, commentaries, and study tools, completely solving the cumbersome problems of traditional page turning and searching. These hyperlinks combine Matthew Henry's famous comments with rich historical background information to help readers deeply understand the cultural context of the scriptures and provide a new perspective for spiritual practice and learning.

Tailored for digital devices

This interactive Bible is optimized for e-ink devices such as Kindle Scribe, reMarkable, and Boox, as well as tablets such as iPads, taking full advantage of the hardware advantages of each device. Presented with a simple and elegant layout design, it provides an immersive reading experience. In addition, each chapter also comes with guided reflection prompts to help readers think and meditate while reading, and enhance the depth and meaning of spiritual practice.

Kickstarter funding plan

Keystone Study Bible has launched a funding plan on Kickstarter with the goal of raising funds to promote this innovative product. Supporters can receive various rewards through different levels of sponsorship, including early access, exclusive learning resources, virtual Q&A sessions, and exclusive personalized Bible page inscriptions. This interactive Bible is expected to be officially released in June 2025, becoming a new Bible study tool in the digital age.

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1 comment

I need the KJV not the new revised

Henrietta Warner

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