Boox Nova Air C Unpacking, Appearance Introduction and Specification Analysis──Nova Series Comparison (vs Nova Air/Nova3 Color) (CC English Subtitles)
Before buying Boox Nova Air C, you should know two things: What does E-Ink On-Cell Touch improve? Why is it much more comfortable than the previous generation in actual use? (CC English Subtitles)
Boox Nova Air C color display review──Finally practical enough to be the main color E-Ink reader (CC English Subtitles)
How can this colorful Boox Nova Air C help me in work and life? (Google Classroom/Zoom(Google Meet)/Evernote/OneNote) (CC English Subtitles)
Is this colorful Boox Nova Air C suitable for children to learn English? (EPIC/Khan Academy Kids/Kids AZ) (CC English Subtitles)