E-Ink新品:澳洲雪梨的智慧停車告示牌──彩色E Ink Kaleido™ 3 Outdoor的全球首用

New E-Ink Product: Smart Parking Sign in Sydney, Australia——the world's first application of color E Ink Kaleido™ 3 Outdoor

In early April, we reported that E Ink Holding released a new technology E Ink Kaleido 3 Outdoor ( report door ). Three months later, the world's first commercial example finally appeared, quite quickly. E Ink announced today (July 13) that its latest product, E Ink Kaleido 3 Outdoor, has been launched at major traffic intersections in Sydney, Australia, for the display of smart parking signs. See the text for details...

In early April, we reported that E Ink Holding released a new technology E Ink Kaleido 3 Outdoor ( report door ). Three months later, the world's first commercial example finally appeared, quite quickly. E Ink announced today (July 13) that its latest product, E Ink Kaleido 3 Outdoor, has been launched at major traffic intersections in Sydney, Australia, for the display of smart parking signs.

E Ink Kaleido 3 Outdoor is based on color printing electronic paper technology, and uses the principle of RGB color display to make the black and white electronic paper film present a warm and moist color display performance. Its operating temperature range is between -15°C and 65°C, and it can operate normally without installing expensive and energy-intensive heating or cooling equipment, reducing additional power consumption.

And this traffic sign, with American company Mercury Innovation as the system integrator, is equipped with a 13.3-inch electrophoretic electronic paper display (EPD), and is simultaneously equipped with a solar panel. The solar-powered sign with transformable parking signs will continue to manage on-street parking for the Sydney region.

Enrique Esquivel, design director of Mercury Innovation, said that through the most advanced e-paper display interface, coupled with their expertise in the field of smart transportation systems, they are establishing a new benchmark for on-street parking management. City supervisors can dynamically adjust parking notices based on road conditions, and drivers can also follow them. The adoption of smart on-street parking management can bring a more efficient and flexible traffic ecology to the city.

When E Ink Holding announced that E Ink Kaleido 3 Outdoor will have 25.3 inches and 42 inches in addition to 13.3 inches, it is expected that they will cooperate with other companies in different fields in the future and continue to provide the best outdoor advertising signage market in different fields. Show the solution.

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